Virginia NAACP Issues Statement Against Optional Mask Wearing in School Amidst Virginia Senate’s Passage of SB 739 MEDIA CONTACTDa’Quan Love, Executive Directorpress@naacpva.orgRICHMOND, VA – The Virginia State Conference of the NAACP (Virginia NAACP) abhors the...
Support SB284 to Allow Tenants to Raise Bad Conditions as a Defense to an Eviction! We strongly urge you to call your Congressional representative and urge them to vote in support of SB284. SB 284 establishes the “Warranty of Habitability Defense,” allowing tenants to...
Support HB635 that will Require Cities in the Commonwealth to Develop Housing Plans that Address the Supply of Safe, Sanitary, and Affordable Shelter for Everyone! We need you to contact your legislator and tell them to vote YES on House Bill 635. HB635 would allow...
Reject HB89 that Inches towards Enforcing Disorderly Conduction Convictions on Students in Grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade! We need you to contact your legislator and tell them to vote NO on House Bill 89. A provision exempting students from the definition of...
Support HB804 for a Transparent Rental Application Process! We strongly urge you to call your Congressional representative and urge them to vote in favor of House Bill 804 Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; nonrefundable application fee, limitations. HB804...
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